5 Reasons Why Blogs Are Important To Include In Your Marketing Strategy

October 16, 2024


Juliana Rehakova

Digital Marketer

Blogging is a type of content marketing that allows businesses to share valuable information that is relevant to their brand with their target audience. Although blogging can sometimes be overlooked by marketers, it offers many benefits to improve discoverability online. According to statistics from Demand Metric, businesses who actively create blog content on average receive about 67% more leads each month, than those businesses that don't blog. Furthermore, based on Hubspot statistics, businesses that blog get 55% more website visitors than those that don't. 

Establishing a strong digital presence is essential for any industry and business within. Read on and see the top 5 reasons why you should start blogging for your business. 

Benefits of blogging:

Improved SEO 

Utilising blogs within your website offers a great opportunity to target new keywords, as well as provide fresh content to your audience on a regular basis. Blogging also increases your website's organic visibility by positioning your website as a relevant answer to any queries your target audience may have. So by creating content around questions that you know your audience commonly has, you get the chance to improve your search engine rankings and appear on top of search engine results pages.

Aside from being a great way to leverage different keywords, regularly adding blogs to your website shows Google that your website is still active and relevant. Fresh and up-to-date content encourages Google to crawl and index your website pages more frequently. This is very important because if Google doesn't index your website, it will be detrimental to your efforts of trying to rank in the top positions, as your pages will not be shown at all. It is important to write and create content that you know your audience will find valuable, and you will receive SEO rewards for your hard work.

Blog content is a great place for storytelling

Storytelling offers a great opportunity to build trust and show off your brand's unique charm, and what’s a better platform to do it than your own blog! However, painting the picture can be done in more ways than by talking about your products or services. You can use blogs to tell your target audience a range of factors that are relevant to your business. Whether you wish to tell them more about the origins of the brand, values and where it has come from, or include behind-the-scenes content like introducing key team members, or the beautiful location your business is set in that can attract a wider audience, it truly varies on what your business aims are and what you have to offer. The goal of storytelling is to connect with your audience without having to speak all about business, but be more personal and try to build that trust and loyalty. 

Blog post content can be repurposed

Blogs also offer a great way to be efficient with your marketing efforts, because once you have written that piece of valuable content, you can reuse it throughout different digital channels where you are present. This could include social media platforms, like Instagram and LinkedIn, as well as TikTok, where the written blog content can be used as a script for a short format video. 

Aside from the world of social media marketing, blog copy can bring great value to your email marketing strategy. This is due to the fact that some of your subscribers might not have seen your blog yet, but are interested in your brand enough to subscribe to your newsletter. This is also a great way to remind your audience that you exist and share valuable information that might encourage them to visit your website.

Great place for link-building

Internal linking, as well as backlinks, play an important role in SEO and improving your website's authority and trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines. However, creating internal linking opportunities can oftentimes become a challenge, as it needs to be done in a natural way that makes sense within your content. This is where blogging comes in to save the day. By writing blog articles on various topics relevant to your business, you get to create new internal linking opportunities interconnecting your website. 

On top of that, creating informative and valuable content can increase your chances of gaining valuable backlinks. Content that encases useful information can encourage other brands and businesses to share your content with their own audience and link to your website when relevant. Your website will therefore be seen as more trustworthy on search engines and given higher authority, boosting your SEO marketing efforts.  

All in all, leveraging the power of relevant content and blogs within your content marketing strategy is a clever and effective way to achieve great online marketing and organic search traffic from one piece of high-quality content. Although writing quality content for a successful blog article that follows your personal brand guidelines and truly represents your brand can be time-consuming, this investment of time, effort and writing skills will bring a great return of brand awareness, website traffic and SEO benefits, that will help you build a loyal audience. If you feel you may need the support, SEO experts can help you accelerate your blog content efforts and improve your brand's discoverability.

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