Top Marketing Terms And What They Mean

September 11, 2024


Juliana Rehakova

Digital Marketer

The field of marketing is known for its broad terminology, and navigating it can sometimes feel overwhelming for marketers no matter the industry they are in. With new terms emerging alongside the new technology, as well as changes in algorithms, keeping up can be a daunting task even to the most seasoned marketing professionals.

Understanding the nuances of marketing terminology is vital - it helps marketers avoid misunderstandings and communicate their message better. Yet, with various jargon ranging from the technical intricacies of SEO algorithms and business lingo, all the way to more subtle parts of marketing such as the art of brand storytelling, the sheer volume of information can be truly overwhelming. To avoid that, in this article, we will be reviewing some of the top marketing terms that every marketer has most likely stumbled upon before. 

Top marketing terms:

Conversion Rate

A conversion rate showcases what percentage of users have carried out a desired action. Conversion rates are calculated by taking the total number of those action-taking users and dividing it by the overall size of the target audience, which turns that figure into a percentage.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO is crucial for organic online visibility and growth. This term encompasses the process of improving and optimising your website to increase its visibility on search engines, such as Google, allowing you to rank whenever people search for what you offer.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEM is a digital marketing strategy used to improve the discoverability of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs). The main difference between SEM and SEO is that SEM includes both organic search, as well as paid advertising to attract traffic.

Organic Traffic

Organic traffic shows those visitors that land on your website through SEO, instead of advertisements.

Paid Search

Paid search is a type of digital marketing that includes paid advertising, which allows your website to appear at the top (or at least close to the top) of the SERP. Paid search results are differentiated from organic ones by a ''sponsored'' tag that appears above your listing. 

Pay Per Click (PPC)

Pay-per-click is a digital advertising type used to drive paid traffic to websites, in which a business only pays when the ad is clicked.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

CPC is a metric showing how much an advertisement click costs to a business.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Cost is a metric showing how much it costs a business to acquire new customers. 

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

KPIs measure the performance of any business activity, which could include marketing strategies and activities, as well as other internal business operations

Customer Journey

The customer journey shows what actions your customer took before and after they converted. It's an important tool allowing businesses and marketers to better understand how customers interact with your business and services.

Customer Relationship Manager Tools (CRM)

A CRM is a tool used by businesses to manage interactions with their current and potential customers. It's an important source of data that marketers can use to further optimise their strategies.

Content Management System

A content management system (CMS) is a type of software that allows users to create, manage, and optimise content on a website without the need for extensive technical knowledge, such as coding. Some of the most popular CMS include WordPress, Hubspot and Webflow.

Brand Positioning

Brand positioning is the strategic process of defining how a brand is perceived in the minds of customers compared to the competitors. It involves identifying and communicating the unique value and unique attributes of a brand to its target audiences. Effective brand positioning helps differentiate a brand from its competitors, creates a clear and memorable identity, and influences consumer perceptions, as well as the decision to purchase.

Public Relations (PR)

The term PR refers to the strategic communication from a brand to the public in order to maintain or build a public image, as well as brand awareness while responding to public discourse, when necessary.

Brand Guidelines

Brand guidelines ensure the colours, logos, composition, design, and overall look of a company's branding are consistent. Such guidelines help marketers create a smooth experience for the customers through different channels used by the business, such as social media platforms and websites.

A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method used in marketing to compare two versions of a webpage, email, advertisement, or other assets to determine which one performs better. In an A/B test, two variations, A and B, are created, with only one element changed between them, such as a headline, image, a call-to-action button, or layout. These variations are then shown to different segments of the audience randomly, and their responses are measured and analysed. 

By comparing the performance metrics, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, or overall engagement with the content, marketers can identify which version performs more effectively and drives better results. 

B2B (Business to business)

B2B marketing refers to promoting products and services to other businesses to help them improve their own operations.

B2C (Business to customer)

B2C refers to the type of marketing that is focused on selling products and services directly to the customers.

Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is a digital marketing term used when analysing web traffic. It showcases the percentage of visitors who enter the site and then leave it instead of continuing to interact with the other pages on your website.

Call-To-Action (CTA)

A call to action (CTA) is an encouragement on a website for visitors to take a specific action, such as purchasing a product, signing up for a newsletter, subscribing or getting in touch with your team.

Conversion Path

The conversion path shows the digital customer journey that your website's visitors take from before they reach your website to the final conversion action. It helps marketers better understand what marketing activities bring customers to the website and which ones actually close the deal. 

User Generated Content (UGC)

UGC stands for User-generated content, it’s original and authentic content created by your audience. This content can come in various different formats, including photos, videos, reviews and even testimonials. To learn more about how you can utilise UGC within your marketing strategy.

Employee-Generated Content (EGC)

EGC stands for employee-generated content, which is similar to UGC in its authentic feel, however, it comes directly from the employees of a business.

Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

A search engine results page (SERP) is what you see after entering a keyword or a query into Google, Bing or any other search engine. It shows various listings (organic and paid) that are relevant to what you are searching for.

Landing Page

In digital marketing, a landing page refers to a page within your website, designed to encourage users to take a specific action. For example, if they come to your landing page from a PPC ad, you might want them to contact you or make a purchase right away. 

Marketing, due to it being so close to different parts of the business, as well as various digital technologies, is full of jargon that can sometimes feel hard to keep up with. Understanding these 25 popular marketing terms can help you further optimise your marketing efforts and strategies, as well as aid you in explaining the performance to the rest of the teams within your business. 

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