WordPress vs Webflow - The Great Debate

March 5, 2024


Dave Sheppard

Digital Director

WordPress and Webflow are two of the most popular website builders on the market today. So, which one should you use for your next project? We constantly compare and analyse WordPress and Webflow to help you decide which platform is the better fit for your needs. The answer is different each time, depending on the project, goals and needs.

Ease of Use Comparison

Both WordPress and Webflow are relatively easy to use, although we think that Webflow has a slight edge in this department. With WordPress, you'll need to have at least a basic understanding of HTML and CSS in order to create a custom website. With Webflow, on the other hand, you can create a completely custom website without having to write any code.

Flexibility of WordPress vs Webflow

When it comes to flexibility, WordPress is the clear winner. With WordPress, you can create any kind of website you want. Whether you're looking to create a simple blog or a complex eCommerce website, WordPress has the tools and plugins you need to get the job done. With Webflow, on the other hand, you'll be somewhat limited in what you can do. While Webflow is great for creating simple websites and landing pages, it's not really designed for more complex projects.

User-friendly CMS interface

Both platforms we can argue have user-friendly CMS interface. WordPress has been around for a long time which makes it for many users known and they are familiar with its features so won't be a big task to get used to working with it. Webflow is fairly new to most people and there is a little bit of a learning curb, but it is arguably simpler and straight-forward to use as a CMS.

Wordpress allows you to limit users to be able to edit certain things but it is not 100% secure that I won't lead to someone inexperienced doing something on the site that will compromise security, layout or something disappearing or breaking. With Webflow users are very limited to what they can do because of the ability to set up specific CMS fields and people have no access to the layout or the code whatsoever.

Use of plugins for customisation

WordPress as a CMS platform allow you to do any customisation needed such as redirects, social feeds etc. with an use of plugins that have free or pro versions. There are so many plugins that you can use with a WordPress site and plugins are constantly improved and further developed. The downside of many plugins on WordPress is sometimes they do affect each others functionalities and can break the website, and also they require quite often updating as they are being debugged and improved to better versions. Webflow in comparison doesn't need plugins for extra customisation and anything complex needed can be done with available Java Script code.

This can potentially open the field of thinking that Webflow requires you to have more coding knowledge and experience than WordPress would.

Constant updates

When building a website in WordPress whether it has a predefined style or not, you need such things as templates and/or builder tools. These extra tools that get installed to help you create what you desire as well as plugins need regular updates to be done.

Unless you have someone on hand to manage and maintain the plugins and the other tools, especially for big websites it can be quite difficult to keep up with the changes that can affect your website look and speed.

Webflow as platform doesn't need any updates. This makes it very easy for big corporations that have no time to worry about the website constantly.

Pricing options on WordPress vs Webflow

Both WordPress and Webflow offer fairly priced plans that scale with your needs. However, we think that WordPress has a slight edge in this department as well. For starters, there's a free version of WordPress available if you're willing to host your own website. And even if you opt for one of the paid plans offered by WordPress.com, you'll still get access to discounts on popular plugins and themes. With Webflow, on the other hand, there's no free version available. And while they do offer discounts on some of their plans, they're not as widely available as the discounts offered by WordPress. In most cases with Webflow you will require to do hosting through their servers especially if you need the CMS feature.

Make your choice

So, which platform is the better fit for your needs? If you're looking for an easy-to-use platform with plenty of flexibility, then WordPress is the way to go. However, if you're looking for a platform that requires no coding knowledge and offers a simpler interface, then Webflow might be a better fit for you. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your specific needs and preferences.

Check out our web design services and get in touch with us to discuss what platform is the best choice for your upcoming website project. We can access your needs, budget and give you a solution that fits all of them perfectly! We stay biased to both platforms because different needs are suited by both.

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